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Block Breakers

Block Breakers is an Ultra-Casual Mobile game I created in my 3rd year of uni for my indie design module.


This game mixes Ultra-Casual with the arcade genre, two of the most popular mobile game genres currently.


Block Breakers was designed to allow the user to relax and have fun while engaging the player more than other Ultra Casual games with game-play focused around concentration, timing and reaction. 


This game is simple enough that anyone can pick up and play but inspires players to compete to see who can get a higher score.


Monetisation was also a focus in this game with the addition of banner adverts as well as interstitial adds between games.


The Game board is randomly spawned using three integers - blocks horizontal, blocks vertical and point number. The app then uses these numbers to proceduraly draw squares across the grid. These are then used to create blocks of varying colours and sizes.


Future developments to this game include an online server based multiplayer allowing two players to get matched against each other and compete to see who can clear the board the quickest/get the higher score.


Skins for the game will also be added and can be monetised through use of a coin system earned by playing games and watching reward adverts.

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